
20th February 2019

Skill #9 Team Building

'Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much' 
- Helen O'Grady International - India Mantra

What is Team Building?
When individuals with similar interest, attitude, and taste come together to work for a common objective, a team is formed. Team building is the action or process of causing a group of people to work together effectively as a team. It is a collective term for various types of activities used to enhance social relations and define roles within teams, often involving collaborative tasks. A team cannot do well unless and until each and every member is focused and serious about his responsibilities. For every team member, his team should come first and everything else later. Team building is one of the foundations of development that can be applied to groups such as sports teams, school, classes, theatre plays and much more.

Why is it necessary?
The skills learned from team building are an important part of personal and group development in children. During team building activities, children have the chance to communicate with each other and work towards a common goal. By practising being an effective team member and team leader, children develop confidence in their own abilities. Team building with children means you are developing their ability to work together toward a common goal. This makes the work or job easier because the children are working together. When a team works together to solve a challenge, everyone in the group wins and all children have a positive experience. Conducting team building activities with children emphasizes cooperation and collaboration, and not competition. The skills learned from being part of a team are necessary for positive action in everyday life in school, work, and the community.

Working on a team isn’t always easy. Kids disagree and personalities clash. But it’s in the team setting where kids will learn valuable problem-solving skills and build defining character traits. At Helen O'Grady International, we ensure team building activities and encourage them in working together cooperatively and understanding their fellow classmates.

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10 tips to build Team Building:

  1. Group games: such games are fantastic for kids; not only are such activities fun and engaging for the children themselves, but they’re also an opportunity to learn skills such as teamwork, cooperation and creative thinking. Team building activities also give kids the chance to build relationships with each other and develop their social skills.

  2. Problem-solving: Encourage children to think independently by asking open-ended questions throughout the day. Example: Jose wants to play with the blocks and Sierra is already playing with them. Ask Jose, “What can you play with until it is your turn to play with the blocks? What else do we have in the classroom that you can use to build something?”

  3. Communication: Good communication is necessary for successful teams. Teach children to send clear messages through the day and in all classroom activities. Get their full attention to what is being said, encourage them to ask questions if they don’t understand, and have them repeat back to you what is being said.

  4. Cooperation: Teaching children to take turns is an excellent way to develop cooperation.

  5. Self-esteem: Giving children choices helps them feel like they have some control over what is happening. This can be as simple as asking them which colour marker they want to use or what colour cup they would like for their milk at snack time.

  6. Idea exchange: Group projects are ways for children to come up with an idea and work as a team on a project. For example, have children work on a paper quilt. The teacher or children can choose the topic for the project. Have each child create a work of art on a piece of square paper. Once the pictures are completed, they can be glued together onto a paper drop-cloth. The finished project can be used as a classroom display.

  7. Leadership: Give children the opportunity to take leadership roles in the classroom. Create leadership situations in the form of classroom jobs. Make sure everyone has a chance to have a leadership role such as door holder, snack helper, line leader or clean up a helper.

  8. Teach Kids to Encourage Others: Teaching children to look outside of their individual bubbles and notice the needs of others builds teamwork. Encourage your kids to cheer for their fellow teammates at sports events, praise their classmates’ academic accomplishments, and ask their friends about important life events.

  9. Promote Unity at Home: Parents know the best teaching experiences will happen under their own roofs, so the household needs a positive emphasis on teamwork. Teach and demonstrate to your kids that a successful household thrives because of everyone’s cooperation. Give your young one's household chores, ask them to help their siblings or grandparents, and praise the moments when your kids make efforts to cooperate with others.

  10. Read Stories about Working Together: Children’s books offer timely lessons on teamwork. Read your little ones some of these classic books that offer valuable team-building

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